
As Docker allows easy deployment and usage of Isomer on many platforms, we provide ready-to-use images on a (currently) manual basis.


The simplest way to get Isomer and a suitable database running is to run the docker compose file:

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up

This should grab all necessary software and spin up two machines, one containing the database server and one with your Isomer instance.

Running the iso tool

To run the command via Docker compose:

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml run isomer iso db user

To run the iso tool inside your docker container without database access, just use Docker’s run command, e.g:

docker -i -t isomeric/isomer:latest run iso system status

To work with the database, you need to provide it an accessible server address:

docker -i -t isomeric/isomer:latest run iso --dbhost mydatabasehost:27017


Most of the command line options can also be supplied as environment variable, e.g. export ISOMER_LAUNCH_WEBADDRESS=


We provide amd64 and arm64 images built via buildkit and Docker’s buildx command.


Currently, we publish Docker images by hand, as building arm images on Docker- Hub is not yet easily possible without hacks. This will change, as indicated in their bugtracker.