isomer.ui.activitymonitor module

Module: ActivityMonitor

Surveillance piece to check out what the users are doing, so the system can react accordingly (e.g. not disturb with unimportant alerts when user is actively doing something)

Possibilities: * check if users noticed an alert * notify users, about what other users are doing * offer further information * achievements ;) (stared 100 hours at the map)

Should be user configurable and toggleable, at least most parts/bits.

class ActivityMonitor(*args)[source]

Bases: isomer.component.ConfigurableComponent

ActivityMonitor manager


  • incoming ActivityMonitor messages
  • ActivityMonitor broadcasts

Check for configuration issues and instantiate a component


ActivityMonitor event handler for incoming events

:param event with incoming ActivityMonitor message

channel = 'isomer-web'

Handles navigational reference frame updates. These are necessary to assign geo coordinates to alerts and other misc things.

:param event with incoming referenceframe message


Checks if an alert is ongoing and alerts the newly connected client, if so.