Source code for isomer.ui.schemamanager

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# Isomer - The distributed application framework
# ==============================================
# Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Heiko 'riot' Weinen <> and others.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


Module: SchemaManager


from circuits import Event

from import send
from import get, all, configuration
from isomer.debugger import cli_register_event
from isomer.component import ConfigurableComponent
from isomer.schemastore import schemastore, l10n_schemastore, configschemastore
from isomer.logger import warn, debug, error  # , hilight
from isomer.component import handler

[docs]class cli_schema(Event): """Display a specified schema""" pass
[docs]class cli_schemata(Event): """Display all registered schemata""" pass
[docs]class cli_form(Event): """Display a specified form""" pass
[docs]class cli_forms(Event): """List all registered forms""" pass
[docs]class cli_default_perms(Event): """Display all schemata default permission roles""" pass
[docs]class SchemaManager(ConfigurableComponent): """ Handles schemata requests from clients. """ channel = "isomer-web" configprops = {}
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): super(SchemaManager, self).__init__("SM", *args) self.fireEvent(cli_register_event("schema", cli_schema)) self.fireEvent(cli_register_event("schemata", cli_schemata)) self.fireEvent(cli_register_event("form", cli_form)) self.fireEvent(cli_register_event("forms", cli_forms)) self.fireEvent(cli_register_event("permissions_default", cli_default_perms))
[docs] @handler("cli_schemata") def cli_schemata_list(self, *args): """Display a list of registered schemata""" self.log( "Registered schemata languages:", ",".join(sorted(l10n_schemastore.keys())) ) self.log("Registered Schemata:", ",".join(sorted(schemastore.keys()))) if "-c" in args or "-config" in args: self.log( "Registered Configuration Schemata:", ",".join(sorted(configschemastore.keys())), pretty=True, )
[docs] @handler("cli_form") def cli_form(self, *args): """Display a schemata's form definition""" if args[0] == "*": for schema in schemastore: self.log(schema, ":", schemastore[schema]["form"], pretty=True) else: self.log(schemastore[args[0]]["form"], pretty=True)
[docs] @handler("cli_schema") def cli_schema(self, *args): """Display a single schema definition""" key = None if len(args) > 1: key = args[1] args = list(args) if "-config" in args or "-c" in args: store = configschemastore try: args.remove("-c") args.remove("-config") except ValueError: pass else: store = schemastore def output(schema_name): self.log("%s :" % schema_name) if key == "props": self.log(store[schema_name]["schema"]["properties"], pretty=True) elif key == "perms": try: self.log(store[schema_name]["schema"]["roles_create"], pretty=True) except KeyError: self.log("Schema", schema_name, "has no role for creation", lvl=warn) try: self.log( store[schema_name]["schema"]["properties"]["perms"]["properties"], pretty=True, ) except KeyError: self.log("Schema", schema_name, "has no permissions", lvl=warn) else: self.log(store[schema_name]["schema"], pretty=True) if "*" in args: for schema in store: output(schema) else: output(args[0])
[docs] @handler("cli_forms") def cli_forms(self, *args): """List all available form definitions""" forms = [] missing = [] for key, item in schemastore.items(): if "form" in item and len(item["form"]) > 0: forms.append(key) else: missing.append(key) self.log("Schemata with form:", forms) self.log("Missing forms:", missing)
[docs] @handler("cli_default_perms") def cli_default_perms(self, *args): """Show default permissions for all schemata""" for key, item in schemastore.items(): # self.log(item, pretty=True) if item["schema"].get("no_perms", False): self.log("Schema without permissions:", key) continue try: perms = item["schema"]["properties"]["perms"]["properties"] if perms == {}: self.log("Schema:", item, pretty=True) self.log( "Schema:", key, "read", perms["read"]["default"], "write", perms["write"]["default"], "list", perms["list"]["default"], "create", item["schema"]["roles_create"], ) except KeyError as e: self.log("Fishy schema found:", key, e, lvl=error) self.log(item, pretty=True)
[docs] @handler("ready") def ready(self): """Sets up the application after startup.""" self.log( "Got", len(schemastore), "data and", len(configschemastore), "component schemata.", lvl=debug, )
# pprint(schemastore.keys()) # pprint(configschemastore.keys())
[docs] @handler(all) def all(self, event): """Return all known schemata to the requesting client""" self.log("Schemarequest for all schemata from", event.user, lvl=debug) response = { "component": "", "action": "all", "data": l10n_schemastore[event.client.language], } self.fireEvent(send(event.client.uuid, response))
[docs] @handler(get) def get(self, event): """Return a single schema""" self.log("Schemarequest for",, "from", event.user, lvl=debug) if in schemastore: response = { "component": "", "action": "get", "data": l10n_schemastore[event.client.language][], } self.fireEvent(send(event.client.uuid, response)) else: self.log("Unavailable schema requested!", lvl=warn)
[docs] @handler(configuration) def configuration(self, event): """Return all configurable components' schemata""" try: self.log( "Schemarequest for all configuration schemata from",, lvl=debug, ) response = { "component": "", "action": "configuration", "data": configschemastore, } self.fireEvent(send(event.client.uuid, response)) except Exception as e: self.log("ERROR:", e)