Source code for isomer.ui.builder

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# Isomer - The distributed application framework
# ==============================================
# Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Heiko 'riot' Weinen <> and others.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Frontend building process.

Since this involves a lot of javascript handling, it is best advised to not
directly use any of the functionality except `install_frontend` and maybe

import json
import os
import shutil
from glob import glob
from shutil import copy

import pkg_resources
from isomer.logger import isolog, debug, verbose, warn, error, critical
from isomer.misc.path import get_path
from isomer.tool import run_process

[docs]def log(*args, **kwargs): """Log as builder emitter""" kwargs.update({"emitter": "BUILDER", "frame_ref": 2}) isolog(*args, **kwargs)
# TODO: Move the copy resource/directory tree operations to a utility lib
[docs]def copy_directory_tree(root_src_dir: str, root_dst_dir: str, hardlink: bool = False, move: bool = False): """Copies/links/moves a whole directory tree :param root_src_dir: Source filesystem location :param root_dst_dir: Target filesystem location :param hardlink: Create hardlinks instead of copying (experimental) :param move: Move whole directory """ for src_dir, dirs, files in os.walk(root_src_dir): dst_dir = src_dir.replace(root_src_dir, root_dst_dir, 1) if not os.path.exists(dst_dir): os.makedirs(dst_dir) for file_ in files: src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, file_) dst_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, file_) try: if os.path.exists(dst_file): if hardlink: log("Removing destination:", dst_file, lvl=verbose) os.remove(dst_file) else: log("Overwriting destination:", dst_file, lvl=verbose) else: log("Destination not existing:", dst_file, lvl=verbose) except PermissionError as e: log("No permission to remove destination:", e, lvl=error) try: if hardlink: log("Hardlinking ", src_file, dst_dir, lvl=verbose), dst_file) elif move: log("Moving", src_file, dst_dir) shutil.move(src_file, dst_dir) else: log("Copying ", src_file, dst_dir, lvl=verbose) copy(src_file, dst_dir) except PermissionError as e: log( " No permission to create destination %s for directory:" % ("link" if hardlink else "copy/move"), dst_dir, e, lvl=error, ) except Exception as e: log("Error during copy_directory_tree operation:", type(e), e, lvl=error) log("Done with tree:", root_dst_dir, lvl=verbose)
[docs]def copy_resource_tree(package: str, source: str, target: str): """Copies a whole resource tree :param package: Package object with resources :param source: Source folder inside package resources :param target: Filesystem destination """ pkg = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(package) log( "Copying component frontend tree for %s to %s (%s)" % (package, target, source), lvl=verbose, ) if not os.path.exists(target): os.mkdir(target) for item in pkg_resources.resource_listdir(pkg, source): log("Handling resource item:", item, lvl=verbose) if item in ("__pycache__", ""): continue target_name = os.path.join( target, source.split("frontend")[1].lstrip("/"), item ) log("Would copy to:", target_name, lvl=verbose) if pkg_resources.resource_isdir(pkg, source + "/" + item): log("Creating subdirectory:", target_name, lvl=verbose) try: os.mkdir(target_name) except FileExistsError: log("Subdirectory already exists, ignoring", lvl=verbose) log("Recursing resource subdirectory:", source + "/" + item, lvl=verbose) copy_resource_tree(package, source + "/" + item, target) else: log("Copying resource file:", source + "/" + item, lvl=verbose) with open(target_name, "wb") as f: f.write(pkg_resources.resource_string(pkg, source + "/" + item))
[docs]def get_frontend_locations(development): """Determine the frontend target and root locations. The root is where the complete source code for the frontend will be assembled, whereas the target is its installation directory after building :param development: If True, uses the development frontend server location :return: """ log("Checking frontend location", lvl=debug) if development is True: log("Using development frontend location", lvl=warn) root = os.path.realpath( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../../frontend" ) target = get_path("lib", "frontend-dev") if not os.path.exists(target): log("Creating development frontend folder", lvl=debug) try: os.makedirs(target) except PermissionError: log( "Cannot create development frontend target! " "Check permissions on", target, ) return None, None else: log("Using production frontend location", lvl=debug) root = get_path("lib", "repository/frontend") target = get_path("lib", "frontend") log("Frontend components located in", root, lvl=debug) return root, target
[docs]def generate_component_folders(folder): """If not existing, create the components' holding folder inside the frontend source tree :param folder: Target folder in the frontend's source, where frontend modules will be copied to """ if not os.path.isdir(folder): log("Creating new components folder") os.makedirs(folder) else: log("Clearing components folder") for thing in os.listdir(folder): target = os.path.join(folder, thing) try: shutil.rmtree(target) except NotADirectoryError: os.unlink(target) except PermissionError: log( "Cannot remove data in old components folder! " "Check permissions in", folder, thing, lvl=warn, )
[docs]def get_components(frontend_root): """Iterate over all installed isomer modules to find all the isomer components frontends and their dependencies :param frontend_root: Frontend source root directory :return: """ def inspect_entry_point(component_entry_point): """Use pkg_tools to inspect an installed module for its metadata :param component_entry_point: A single entrypoint for an isomer module """ name = package = component_entry_point.dist.project_name location = component_entry_point.dist.location loaded = component_entry_point.load() log("Package:", package, lvl=debug) log( "Entry point: ", component_entry_point, name, component_entry_point.resolve().__module__, lvl=debug, ) component_name = component_entry_point.resolve().__module__.split(".")[1] log("Loaded: ", loaded, lvl=verbose) component = { "location": location, "version": str(component_entry_point.dist.parsed_version), "description": loaded.__doc__, "package": package, } try: pkg = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(package) log("Checking component data resources", lvl=debug) try: resources = pkg_resources.resource_listdir(pkg, "frontend") except FileNotFoundError: log("Component does not have a frontend", lvl=debug) resources = [] if len(resources) > 0: component["frontend"] = resources component["method"] = "resources" except ModuleNotFoundError: frontend = os.path.join(location, "frontend") log("Checking component data folders ", frontend, lvl=verbose) if os.path.isdir(frontend) and frontend != frontend_root: component["frontend"] = frontend component["method"] = "folder" if "frontend" not in component: log( "Component without frontend directory:", component, lvl=debug, ) return None, None return component_name, component log("Updating frontend components") inspected_components = {} inspected_locations = [] try: from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points entry_point_tuple = ( iter_entry_points(group="isomer.sails", name=None), iter_entry_points(group="isomer.components", name=None), ) for iterator in entry_point_tuple: for entry_point in iterator: try: inspectable_package = entry_point.dist.project_name if inspectable_package == "isomer": log("Not inspecting base isomer package", lvl=debug) continue inspected_name, inspected_component = inspect_entry_point( entry_point) if inspected_name is not None and \ inspected_component is not None: location = inspected_component['location'] if location not in inspected_locations: inspected_locations.append(location) inspected_components[inspected_name] = inspected_component except Exception as e: log( "Could not inspect entrypoint: ", e, type(e), entry_point, iterator, lvl=error, exc=True, ) # frontends = iter_entry_points(group='isomer.frontend', name=None) # for entrypoint in frontends: # name = # location = entrypoint.dist.location # # log('Frontend entrypoint:', name, location, entrypoint, lvl=hilight) except Exception as e: log("Error during frontend install: ", e, type(e), lvl=error, exc=True) component_list = list(inspected_components.keys()) log("Components after lookup (%i):" % len(component_list), sorted(component_list)) return inspected_components
[docs]def update_frontends(frontend_components: dict, frontend_root: str, install: bool): """Installs all found entrypoints and returns the list of all required dependencies :param frontend_root: Frontend source root directory :param install: If true, collect installable dependencies :param frontend_components: Dictionary with component names and metadata :return: """ def get_component_dependencies(pkg_method: str, pkg_origin: str, pkg_name: str, pkg_object): """Inspect components resource or requirement strings to collect their dependencies :param pkg_method: Method how the dependencies are stored, either 'folder' or 'resources'. Folder expects a requirements.txt with javascript dependencies, whereas resources expects them inside the of the module :param pkg_origin: Folder with the module's frontend root :param pkg_name: Name of the entrypoint :param pkg_object: Entrypoint object """ packages = [] if pkg_method == "folder": requirements_file = os.path.join(pkg_origin, "requirements.txt") if os.path.exists(requirements_file): log( "Adding package dependencies for", pkg_name, lvl=debug, ) with open(requirements_file, "r") as f: for requirements_line in f.readlines(): packages.append(requirements_line.replace("\n", "")) elif pkg_method == "resources": log("Getting resources:", pkg_object, lvl=debug) resource = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(pkg_object) if pkg_resources.resource_exists( resource, "frontend/requirements.txt" ): resource_string = pkg_resources.resource_string( resource, "frontend/requirements.txt" ) # TODO: Not sure if decoding to ascii is a smart # idea for npm package names. for resource_line in ( resource_string.decode("ascii").rstrip("\n").split("\n") ): log("Resource string:", resource_line, lvl=debug) packages.append(resource_line.replace("\n", "")) return packages def install_frontend_data(pkg_object, pkg_name: str): """Gather all frontend components' data files and while inspecting the components, collect their dependencies, as well, if frontend installation has been requested :param pkg_object: Setuptools entrypoint descriptor :param pkg_name: Name of the entrypoint """ origin = pkg_object["frontend"] method = pkg_object["method"] package_object = pkg_object.get("package", None) target = os.path.join(frontend_root, "src", "components", pkg_name) target = os.path.normpath(target) if install: module_dependencies = get_component_dependencies( method, origin, pkg_name, package_object ) else: module_dependencies = [] log("Copying:", origin, target, lvl=debug) if method == "folder": copy_directory_tree(origin, target) elif method == "resources": copy_resource_tree(package_object, "frontend", target) for module_filename in glob(target + "/*.module.js"): module_name = os.path.basename(module_filename).split(".module.js")[ 0 ] module_line = ( u"import {s} from './components/{p}/{s}.module';\n" u"modules.push({s});\n".format(s=module_name, p=pkg_name) ) yield module_dependencies, module_line, module_name log("Checking unique frontend locations: ", frontend_components, lvl=debug, pretty=True) importable_modules = [] dependency_packages = [] modules = [] # For checking if we already got it for package_name, package_component in frontend_components.items(): if "frontend" in package_component: for dependencies, import_line, module in install_frontend_data(package_component, package_name): if module not in modules: modules += module if len(dependencies) > 0: dependency_packages += dependencies importable_modules.append(import_line) else: log("Module without frontend:", package_name, package_component, lvl=debug) log("Dependencies:", dependency_packages, "Component Imports:", importable_modules, pretty=True, lvl=debug) return dependency_packages, importable_modules
[docs]def get_sails_dependencies(root): """Get all core user interface (sails) dependencies :param root: Frontend source root directory """ packages = [] with open(os.path.join(root, 'package.json'), 'r') as f: package_json = json.load(f) log('Adding deployment packages', lvl=verbose) for package, version in package_json['dependencies'].items(): packages.append("@".join([package, version])) log('Adding development packages', lvl=verbose) for package, version in package_json['devDependencies'].items(): packages.append("@".join([package, version])) log('Found %i isomer base dependencies' % len(packages), lvl=debug) return packages
[docs]def install_dependencies(dependency_list: list, frontend_root: str): """Instruct npm to install a list of all dependencies :param frontend_root: Frontend source root directory :param dependency_list: List of javascript dependency packages """ log("Installing dependencies:", dependency_list, lvl=debug) command_line = ["npm", "install", "--no-save"] + dependency_list log("Using npm in:", frontend_root, lvl=debug) success, installer = run_process(frontend_root, command_line) if success: log("Frontend installing done.", lvl=debug) else: log("Could not install dependencies:", installer)
[docs]def write_main(importable_modules: list, root: str): """With the gathered importable modules, populate the main frontend loader and write it to the frontend's root :param importable_modules: List of importable javascript module files :param root: Frontend source root directory """ log("Writing main frontend loader", lvl=debug) with open(os.path.join(root, "src", "main.tpl.js"), "r") as f: main = "".join(f.readlines()) parts = main.split("/* COMPONENT SECTION */") if len(parts) != 3: log("Frontend loader seems damaged! Please check!", lvl=critical) return try: with open(os.path.join(root, "src", "main.js"), "w") as f: f.write(parts[0]) f.write("/* COMPONENT SECTION:BEGIN */\n") for line in importable_modules: f.write(line) f.write("/* COMPONENT SECTION:END */\n") f.write(parts[2]) except Exception as write_exception: log( "Error during frontend package info writing. Check " "permissions! ", write_exception, lvl=error, )
[docs]def rebuild_frontend(root: str, target: str, build_type: str): """Instruct npm to rebuild the frontend :param root: Frontend source root directory :param target: frontend build target installation directory :param build_type: Type of frontend build, either 'dist' or 'build' :return: """ log("Starting frontend build.", lvl=warn) # TODO: Switch to i.t.run_process log("Using npm in:", root, lvl=debug) command = ["npm", "run", build_type] success, builder_output = run_process(root, command) if success is False: log("Error during frontend build:", builder_output, lvl=error) return log("Frontend build done: ", builder_output, lvl=debug) try: copy_directory_tree( os.path.join(root, build_type), target, hardlink=False ) copy_directory_tree( os.path.join(root, "assets"), os.path.join(target, "assets"), hardlink=False, ) except PermissionError: log("No permission to change:", target, lvl=error) log("Frontend deployed")
[docs]def install_frontend( force_rebuild: bool = False, install: bool = True, development: bool = False, build_type: str = "dist", ): """Builds and installs the frontend. The process works like this: * Find the frontend locations (source root and target) * Generate the target component folders to copy modules' frontend sources to * Gather all component meta data * Collect all dependencies (when installing them is desired) and their module imports * If desired, install all dependencies * Write the frontend main loader with all module entrypoints * Run npm build `BUILD_TYPE` and copy all resulting files to the frontend target folder :param force_rebuild: Trigger a rebuild of the sources. :param install: Trigger installation of the frontend's dependencies :param development: Use development frontend server locations :param build_type: Type of frontend build, either 'dist' or 'build' """ frontend_root, frontend_target = get_frontend_locations(development) if frontend_root is None or frontend_target is None: log("Cannot determine either frontend root or target, please inspect", lvl=error) return component_folder = os.path.join(frontend_root, "src", "components") generate_component_folders(component_folder) components = get_components(frontend_root) installation_packages, imports = update_frontends( components, frontend_root, install ) if install: installation_packages += get_sails_dependencies(frontend_root) install_dependencies(installation_packages, frontend_root) write_main(imports, frontend_root) if force_rebuild: rebuild_frontend(frontend_root, frontend_target, build_type) log("Done: Install Frontend")
# TODO: We have to find a way to detect if we need to rebuild (and # possibly wipe) stuff. This maybe the case, when a frontend # module has been updated/added/removed.