Source code for isomer.tool.remote

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# Isomer - The distributed application framework
# ==============================================
# Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Heiko 'riot' Weinen <> and others.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


Module: remote

Remote instance management functionality.

This module allows deploying and maintaining instances on remote systems via SSH.


import os
import spur
import tomlkit
import click
import getpass

from typing import Optional
from binascii import hexlify

from isomer.logger import warn, error, debug, verbose
from isomer.misc.std import std_now
from isomer.tool import (
)  # , ask_password
from isomer.misc.path import get_etc_remote_keys_path
from isomer.tool.defaults import platforms, key_defaults
from isomer.error import abort, EXIT_INVALID_PARAMETER, EXIT_INVALID_VALUE
from isomer.tool.cli import cli
from isomer.tool.etc import load_remotes, remote_template, write_remote

key_dispatch_table: Optional[dict]

    # noinspection PyPackageRequirements
    from paramiko import DSSKey, RSAKey

    key_dispatch_table = {"dsa": DSSKey, "rsa": RSAKey}
except ImportError:
    key_dispatch_table = DSSKey = RSAKey = None
    log("Could not load paramiko. Remote operations disabled.", lvl=warn)

[docs]def get_remote_home(username): """Expands a username into a correct home directory""" if username == "root": return "/root/" else: return "/home/" + username @click.option("--name", "-n", default="default") @click.option("--install", "-i", is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option( "--platform", "-p", default=list(platforms.keys())[0], type=click.Choice(platforms.keys()), ) @click.option( "--source", "-s", default="git", type=click.Choice(["link", "copy", "git"]) ) @click.option("--url", "-u", default=None) @click.option("--existing", "-e", default=None) @click.pass_context def remote(ctx, name, install, platform, source, url, existing): """Remote instance control (Work in Progress!)""" ctx.obj["remote"] = name ctx.obj["platform"] = platform ctx.obj["source"] = source ctx.obj["url"] = url ctx.obj["existing"] = existing if ctx.invoked_subcommand == "add": return remotes = ctx.obj["remotes"] = load_remotes() if ctx.invoked_subcommand == "list": return # log('Remote configurations:', remotes, pretty=True) host_config = remotes.get(name, None) if host_config is None: log("Cannot proceed, remote unknown", lvl=error) abort(5000) ctx.obj["host_config"] = host_config if platform is None: platform = ctx.obj["host_config"].get("platform", "debian") ctx.obj["platform"] = platform spur_config = dict(host_config["login"]) if spur_config["private_key_file"] == "": spur_config.pop("private_key_file") if spur_config["port"] != 22: log( "Warning! Using any port other than 22 is not supported right now.", lvl=warn, ) spur_config.pop("port") shell = spur.SshShell(**spur_config) if install: success, result = run_process("/", ["iso", "info"], shell) if success: log("Isomer version on remote:", format_result(result)) else: log('Use "remote install" for now') # if existing is None: # get_isomer(source, url, '/root', shell=shell) # destination = '/' + host_config['login']['username'] + '/repository' # else: # destination = existing # install_isomer(platform, host_config.get('use_sudo', True), shell, cwd=destination) ctx.obj["shell"] = shell @remote.command() @click.argument("hostname") @click.option( "--username", "-u", prompt=True, default=lambda: os.environ.get("USER", ""), show_default="current user", ) @click.option("--password", "-pw", default="") @click.option("--port", "-p", default=22) @click.option("--use-sudo", "-s", default=False, is_flag=True) @click.option("--make-key", "-m", default=False, is_flag=True) @click.option("--key-file", "-k", default="") @click.option( "--key-type", "-t", default=key_defaults["type"], help="Key type (%s)" % key_defaults["type"], type=click.Choice(["dsa", "rsa"]), ) @click.option( "--key-bits", "-b", type=int, default=int(key_defaults["bits"]), help="Key bits (%i)" % int(key_defaults["bits"]), ) @click.pass_context def add( ctx, hostname, username, password, port, use_sudo, make_key, key_file, key_type, key_bits, ): """Adds a new remote""" if make_key: if key_dispatch_table is None: log( "You'll need to install paramiko to generate remote keys. Use pip3 install paramiko", lvl=error, ) abort(5000) if key_file == "": key_file = os.path.join(get_etc_remote_keys_path(), ctx.obj["remote"]) phrase = None if key_type == "dsa" and key_bits > 1024: log("DSA Keys must be 1024 bits", lvl=error) abort(5000) # generating private key prv = key_dispatch_table[key_type].generate(bits=key_bits, progress_func=log) prv.write_private_key_file(key_file, password=phrase) # generating public key pub = key_dispatch_table[key_type](filename=key_file, password=phrase) with open("" % key_file, "w") as f: f.write("%s %s" % (pub.get_name(), pub.get_base64())) f.write(" %s" % key_defaults["comment"]) key_hash = hexlify(pub.get_fingerprint()) log( "Fingerprint: %d %s (%s)" % ( key_bits, ":".join( [str(key_hash)[i: 2 + i] for i in range(0, len(key_hash), 2)] ), key_file, key_type.upper(), ) ) new_remote = remote_template new_remote["name"] = ctx.obj["remote"] new_remote["platform"] = ctx.obj["platform"] new_remote["use_sudo"] = use_sudo new_remote["source"] = ctx.obj["source"] new_remote["url"] = ctx.obj["url"] new_remote["login"]["hostname"] = hostname new_remote["login"]["username"] = username new_remote["login"]["password"] = password new_remote["login"]["port"] = port new_remote["login"]["private_key_file"] = key_file log("New remote:", new_remote, pretty=True) write_remote(new_remote) @remote.command() @click.option( "--accept", "-a", help="Accept missing host key and add it to known_hosts", is_flag=True, default=False, ) @click.pass_context def upload_key(ctx, accept): """Upload a remote key to a user account on a remote machine""" login_config = dict(ctx.obj["host_config"]["login"]) if login_config["password"] == "": login_config["password"] = getpass.getpass() with open(login_config["private_key_file"] + ".pub") as f: key = username = login_config["username"] if accept: host_key_flag = spur.ssh.MissingHostKey.warn else: host_key_flag = spur.ssh.MissingHostKey.raise_error shell = spur.SshShell( hostname=login_config["hostname"], username=login_config["username"], password=login_config["password"], missing_host_key=host_key_flag, ) try: with"/home/" + username + "/.ssh/authorized_keys", "r") as f: result = except spur.ssh.ConnectionError as e: log("SSH Connection error:\n", e, lvl=error) log( "Host not in known hosts or other problem. Use --accept to add to known_hosts." ) abort(50071) except FileNotFoundError as e: log("No authorized key file yet, creating") success, result = run_process( "/home/" + username, ["/bin/mkdir", "/home/" + username + "/.ssh"], shell=shell, ) if not success: log( "Error creating .ssh directory:", e, format_result(result), pretty=True, lvl=error, ) success, result = run_process( "/home/" + login_config["username"], ["/usr/bin/touch", "/home/" + username + "/.ssh/authorized_keys"], shell=shell, ) if not success: log( "Error creating authorized hosts file:", e, format_result(result).output, lvl=error, ) result = "" if key not in result: log("Key not yet authorized - adding") with"/home/" + username + "/.ssh/authorized_keys", "a") as f: f.write(key) else: log("Key is already authorized.", lvl=warn) log("Uploaded key") @remote.command(name="set", short_help="Set a parameter of a remote") @click.option( "--login", "-l", help="Modify login settings", is_flag=True, default=False ) @click.argument("parameter") @click.argument("value") @click.pass_context def set_parameter(ctx, login, parameter, value): """Set a configuration parameter of an instance""" log("Setting %s to %s" % (parameter, value)) remote_config = ctx.obj["host_config"] defaults = remote_template converted_value = None try: if login: parameter_type = type(defaults["login"][parameter]) else: parameter_type = type(defaults[parameter]) log(parameter_type, pretty=True, lvl=verbose) if parameter_type == tomlkit.api.Integer: converted_value = int(value) else: converted_value = value except KeyError: log( "Invalid parameter specified. Available parameters:", sorted(list(defaults.keys())), lvl=warn, ) abort(EXIT_INVALID_PARAMETER) if converted_value is None: abort(EXIT_INVALID_VALUE) if login: remote_config["login"][parameter] = converted_value else: remote_config[parameter] = converted_value log("New config:", remote_config, pretty=True, lvl=debug) ctx.obj["remotes"][ctx.obj["remote"]] = remote_config write_remote(remote_config) @remote.command(name="install") @click.option( "--archive", "-a", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Archive existing Isomer first" ) @click.option( "--setup", "-s", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Setup basic Isomer user/directories", ) @click.pass_context def install_remote(ctx, archive, setup): """Installs Isomer (Management) on a remote host""" shell = ctx.obj["shell"] platform = ctx.obj["platform"] host_config = ctx.obj["host_config"] use_sudo = host_config["use_sudo"] username = host_config["login"]["username"] existing = ctx.obj["existing"] remote_home = get_remote_home(username) target = os.path.join(remote_home, "isomer") log(remote_home) if shell is None: log("Remote was not configured properly.", lvl=warn) abort(5000) if archive: log("Renaming remote isomer copy") success, result = run_process( remote_home, ["mv", target, os.path.join(remote_home, "isomer_" + std_now())], shell=shell, ) if not success: log("Could not rename remote copy:", result, pretty=True, lvl=error) abort(5000) if existing is None: url = ctx.obj["url"] if url is None: url = host_config.get("url", None) source = ctx.obj["source"] if source is None: source = host_config.get("source", None) if url is None or source is None: log('Need a source and url to install. Try "iso remote --help".') abort(5000) get_isomer(source, url, target, upgrade=ctx.obj["upgrade"], shell=shell) destination = os.path.join(remote_home, "isomer") else: destination = existing install_isomer(platform, use_sudo, shell=shell, cwd=destination) if setup: log("Setting up system user and paths") success, result = run_process(remote_home, ["iso", "system", "all"]) if not success: log( "Setting up system failed:", format_result(result), pretty=True, lvl=error, ) @remote.command() @click.pass_context def upgrade(ctx): """Upgrade an existing remote""" ctx.obj["archive"] = True ctx.obj["setup"] = False ctx.obj["upgrade"] = True ctx.forward(install_remote) @remote.command() @click.pass_context def info(ctx): """Shows information about the selected remote""" if ctx.obj["host_config"]["login"]["password"] != "": ctx.obj["host_config"]["login"]["password"] = "__OMITTED__" log("Remote %s:" % ctx.obj["remote"], ctx.obj["host_config"], pretty=True) @remote.command(name="list") @click.pass_context def list_remotes(ctx): """Shows all configured remotes""" log("Remotes:", list(ctx.obj["remotes"].keys()), pretty=True) @remote.command(name="test") @click.pass_context def test(ctx): """Run and return info command on a remote""" shell = ctx.obj["shell"] username = ctx.obj["host_config"]["login"]["username"] success, result = run_process( get_remote_home(username), ["iso", "-nc", "version"], shell=shell ) log(success, "\n", format_result(result), pretty=True) @remote.command(name="command") @click.argument("commands", nargs=-1) @click.pass_context def command(ctx, commands): """Execute a remote command""" log("Executing commands %s on remote %s" % (commands, ctx.obj["remote"])) shell = ctx.obj["shell"] args = ["iso"] + list(commands) log(args) success, result = run_process( get_remote_home(ctx.obj["host_config"]["login"]["username"]), args, shell=shell ) if not success: log("Execution error:", format_result(result), pretty=True, lvl=error) else: log("Success:") log(format_result(result)) @remote.command(name="backup") @click.argument("backup-instance") @click.option( "--fetch", "-f", help="Fetch remote backup for local storage", is_flag=True, default=False, ) @click.option( "--target", "-t", help="Fetch to specified target directory", metavar="target" ) @click.pass_context def backup(ctx, backup_instance, fetch, target): """Backup a remote""" log("Backing up %s on remote %s" % (backup_instance, ctx.obj["remote"])) shell = ctx.obj["shell"] args = [ "iso", "-nc", "--clog", "10", "-i", backup_instance, "-e", "current", "environment", "archive", ] log(args) success, result = run_process( get_remote_home(ctx.obj["host_config"]["login"]["username"]), args, shell=shell ) if not success or b"Archived to" not in result.output: log("Execution error:", format_result(result), pretty=True, lvl=error) else: log("Local backup created") if fetch: full_path = result.split("'")[1] filename = os.path.basename(full_path) with, "r") as input_file: with open(os.path.join(target, filename), "w") as output_file: output = output_file.write(output) log("Backup downloaded. Size:", len(output))