Source code for isomer.tool.installer

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# Isomer - The distributed application framework
# ==============================================
# Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Heiko 'riot' Weinen <> and others.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


Module: Configuration

Classic installer tidbits that should probably be moved to places elsewhere,
i.e. isomer.tool.instance and isomer.tool.environment


import click
import os
import shutil
import sys

from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
from subprocess import Popen

from click_didyoumean import DYMGroup

from isomer.tool.etc import NonExistentKey, instance_template
from isomer.logger import error, warn, debug
from isomer.tool import check_root, log, finish
from isomer.ui.builder import install_frontend
from isomer.provisions.base import provision

from git import Repo, exc
from isomer.version import version
@click.option("--port", help="Specify local Isomer port", default=8055)
def install(ctx, port):
    """[GROUP] Install various aspects of Isomer"""

    # TODO: Make this a shortcut for a full instance install

    # set_instance(ctx.obj['instance'], "blue")  # Initially start with a blue instance

    log("Configuration:", ctx.obj["config"])
    log("Instance:", ctx.obj["instance"])

        instance = ctx.obj["instances"][ctx.obj["instance"]]
    except NonExistentKey:
        log("Instance unknown, so far.", lvl=warn)

        instance = instance_template
        log("New instance configuration:", instance)

    environment_name = instance["environment"]
    environment = instance["environments"][environment_name]

    environment["port"] = port

    # TODO: Remove sparse&superfluous environment info from context
    ctx.obj["port"] = port

        repository = Repo("./")
        ctx.obj["repository"] = repository
        log("Repo:", repository)
        environment["version"] = repository.git.describe()
    except exc.GitError:
        log("Not running from a git repository or there is a problem with it; "
            "Using isomer.version", lvl=warn)
        environment["version"] = version

    ctx.obj["environment"] = environment

@install.command(short_help="build and install frontend")
    "--dev", help="Use frontend development location", default=False, is_flag=True
    help="Rebuild frontend before installation",
    "--no-install", help="Do not install requirements", default=False, is_flag=True
    help="Specify frontend build type. Either dist(default) or build",
def frontend(ctx, dev, rebuild, no_install, build_type):
    """Build and install frontend"""

    # TODO: Move this to the environment handling and deprecate it here

        install=not no_install,

@install.command(short_help="build and install docs")
    help="Clears target documentation " "folders",
def docs(ctx, clear_target):
    """Build and install documentation"""

    # TODO: Move this to the environment handling and deprecate it here

    install_docs(str(ctx.obj["instance"]), clear_target)

[docs]def install_docs(instance, clear_target): """Builds and installs the complete Isomer documentation.""" check_root() def make_docs(): """Trigger a Sphinx make command to build the documentation.""" log("Generating HTML documentation") try: build = Popen(["make", "html"], cwd="docs/") build.wait() except Exception as e: log( "Problem during documentation building: ", e, type(e), exc=True, lvl=error, ) return False return True make_docs() # If these need changes, make sure they are watertight and don't remove # wanted stuff! target = os.path.join("/var/lib/isomer", instance, "frontend/docs") source = "docs/build/html" log("Updating documentation directory:", target) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.curdir, source)): log( "Documentation not existing yet. Run python " "build_sphinx first.", lvl=error, ) return if os.path.exists(target): log("Path already exists: " + target) if clear_target: log("Cleaning up " + target, lvl=warn) shutil.rmtree(target) log("Copying docs to " + target) copy_tree(source, target)
@install.command(short_help="install provisions") @click.option( "--package", "-p", help="Specify a package to provision (default=install all)", default=None, metavar="<name>", ) @click.option( "--clear-existing", "--clear", help="Clears already existing collections (DANGER!)", is_flag=True, default=False, ) @click.option( "--overwrite", "-o", help="Overwrites existing provisions", is_flag=True, default=False, ) @click.option( "--list-provisions", "-l", help="Only list available provisions", is_flag=True, default=False, ) @click.pass_context def provisions(ctx, package, clear_existing, overwrite, list_provisions): """Install default provisioning data""" # TODO: Move this to the environment handling and deprecate it here install_provisions(ctx, package, clear_existing, overwrite, list_provisions) finish(ctx)
[docs]def install_provisions( ctx, package, clear_provisions=False, overwrite=False, list_provisions=False ): """Install default provisioning data""" log("Installing Isomer default provisions") # from isomer.logger import verbosity, events # verbosity['console'] = verbosity['global'] = events from isomer import database log("Instance settings:", ctx.obj, pretty=True, lvl=debug) database.initialize(ctx.obj["dbhost"], ctx.obj["dbname"]) provision(list_provisions, overwrite, clear_provisions, package)
@install.command(short_help="install modules (DEPRECATED)", deprecated=True) @click.option( "--wip", help="Install Work-In-Progress (alpha/beta-state) modules as well", is_flag=True, ) def modules(wip): """Install the plugin modules""" # TODO: Remove altogether, this should be done via instance/environment only install_modules(wip) log("Done: Install Modules")
[docs]def install_modules(wip): """Install the plugin modules""" def install_module(isomer_module): """Install a single module via setuptools""" try: setup = Popen( [sys.executable, "", "develop"], cwd="modules/" + isomer_module + "/", ) setup.wait() except Exception as e: log( "Problem during module installation: ", isomer_module, e, type(e), exc=True, lvl=error, ) return False return True # TODO: Sort module dependencies via topological sort or let pip do this in future. # # To get the module dependencies: # packages = {} # for provision_entrypoint in iter_entry_points(group='isomer.provisions', # name=None): # log("Found packages: ", provision_entrypoint.dist.project_name, lvl=warn) # # _package_name = provision_entrypoint.dist.project_name # _package = pkg_resources.working_set.by_key[_package_name] # # print([str(r) for r in _package.requires()]) # retrieve deps from modules_production = [ # TODO: Poor man's dependency management, as long as the modules are # installed from local sources and they're not available on pypi, # which would handle real dependency management for us: "navdata", # Now all the rest: "alert", "automat", "busrepeater", "calendar", "countables", "dash", # 'dev', "enrol", "mail", "maps", "nmea", "nodestate", "project", "webguides", "wiki", ] modules_wip = [ "calc", "camera", "chat", "comms", "contacts", "crew", "equipment", "filemanager", "garden", "heroic", "ldap", "library", "logbook", "protocols", "polls", "mesh", "robot", "switchboard", "shareables", ] installables = modules_production if wip: installables.extend(modules_wip) success = [] failed = [] for installable in installables: log("Installing module ", installable) if install_module(installable): success.append(installable) else: failed.append(installable) log("Installed modules: ", success) if len(failed) > 0: log("Failed modules: ", failed)