Source code for isomer.schemata.defaultform

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# Isomer - The distributed application framework
# ==============================================
# Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Heiko 'riot' Weinen <> and others.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from isomer.logger import isolog, warn  # , verbose
from isomer.misc.std import colors
from pycountry import countries, subdivisions  # , currencies, languages,
from random import randint, choice


Module defaultform

A default form listing all object elements with submit button.


savebutton = {
    "type": "button",
    "title": "Save Object",
    "condition": "$ctrl.readonly === false",
    "onClick": "$ctrl.submitObject()",

createnewbutton = {
    "type": "button",
    "title": "Save & Create new",
    "condition": "$ctrl.readonly === false",
    "onClick": "$ctrl.save_createObject()",

deletebutton = {
    "type": "button",
    "title": "Delete Object",
    "condition": "$ctrl.readonly === false",
    "onClick": "$ctrl.deleteObject()",

editbuttons = {
    "type": "actions",
    "condition": "$ctrl.readonly === false",
    "items": [savebutton, createnewbutton, deletebutton],

defaultform = ["*", editbuttons]

changeonlyform = [
    {"type": "actions", "condition": "$ctrl.readonly === false", "items": [savebutton]},

readonlyform = ["*"]

noform = []

[docs]def lookup_field( key, lookup_type=None, placeholder=None, html_class="div", select_type="strapselect", mapping="uuid", search_filter=None, ): """Generates a lookup field for form definitions""" if lookup_type is None: lookup_type = key if placeholder is None: placeholder = "Select a " + lookup_type result = { "key": key, "htmlClass": html_class, "type": select_type, "placeholder": placeholder, "options": { "type": lookup_type, "asyncCallback": "$ctrl.getFormData", "map": {"valueProperty": mapping, "nameProperty": "name"}, }, } if search_filter is not None: result["options"]["search_filter"] = search_filter return result
[docs]def lookup_field_multiple( key, subkey=None, button="Add", lookup_type=None, placeholder=None, html_class="div", select_type="strapselect", mapping="uuid", ): if subkey is None: subkey = key + "[]" return { "key": key, "add": button, "htmlClass": html_class, "startEmpty": True, "style": {"add": "btn-success"}, "items": [ { "key": subkey, "type": select_type, "placeholder": placeholder, "options": { "type": lookup_type, "asyncCallback": "$ctrl.getFormData", "map": {"valueProperty": mapping, "nameProperty": "name"}, }, } ], }
[docs]def lookup_object(key, lookup_type=None, actions=None): """Returns a lookup button to inspect a selected object""" if lookup_type is None: lookup_type = key if actions is None: actions = ["edit", "create"] template = "" for action in actions: uuid_key = "{{model.%s}}" % key condition = 'ng-show="model.%s != null"' % key if action == "edit": icon = "pencil" button_class = "success" elif action == "view": icon = "search" button_class = "info" elif action == "create": icon = "plus" condition = "" button_class = "info" uuid_key = "" elif action == "unset": # TODO: This needs to change the link to unset the model attribute icon = "plus" condition = "" button_class = "info" elif action == "delete": icon = "trash" button_class = "danger" else: icon = "question" condition = "" button_class = "info" template += ( '<a %s class="btn btn-%s btn-sm"' 'href="/#!/editor/%s/%s/%s">' '<span class="fa fa-%s"></span>' "</a>" % (condition, button_class, lookup_type, uuid_key, action, icon) ) result = {"key": "lookup_" + key, "type": "template", "template": template} return result
[docs]def create_object(key, lookup_type): """Returns a lookup button to inspect a selected object""" result = { "key": "create_" + key, "type": "template", "template": '<a href="/#!/editor/' + lookup_type + '//create">Create new</a>', } return result
[docs]def fieldset(title, items, options=None): """A field set with a title and sub items""" result = {"title": title, "type": "fieldset", "items": items} if options is not None: result.update(options) return result
[docs]def section(rows: int, columns: int, items: list, label: str = None, condition: str = None): """A section consisting of rows and columns :param rows: Number of rows :param columns: Number of columns :param items: Section items :param label: Optional label - if you use this, unpack the section with ``*section(.., label="foo")`` in your form :param condition: A angular-schema-form model condition :return: A complex form section object """ if label is None: label = "Section " + choice(colors) + " " + str(randint(0, 500)) label_widget = None else: label_widget = {'type': 'help', 'helpvalue': '<h2>' + label + '</h2>'} sections = [] column_class = "section-column col-sm-%i" % (12 / columns) items_total = 0 items_count = 0 for row in items: items_total += len(row) for vertical in range(columns): column_items = [] for horizontal in range(rows): try: item = items[horizontal][vertical] column_items.append(item) items_count += 1 except IndexError: # No item in this part of the form, doesn't matter pass column = {"type": "section", "htmlClass": column_class, "items": column_items} sections.append(column) if items_count < items_total: isolog( items_total - items_count, "field(s) in", label, "omitted, due to missing row/column:", lvl=warn, emitter="FORMS", tb=True, frame=2, ) result = {"type": "section", "htmlClass": "row", "items": sections} if condition is not None: result["condition"] = condition if label_widget is not None: result = [label_widget, result] return result
[docs]def emptyArray(key, add_label=None): """An array that starts empty""" result = {"key": key, "startEmpty": True} if add_label is not None: result["add"] = add_label result["style"] = {"add": "btn-success"} return result
[docs]def tabset(titles, contents): """A tabbed container widget""" tabs = [] for no, title in enumerate(titles): tab = {"title": title} content = contents[no] if isinstance(content, list): tab["items"] = content else: tab["items"] = [content] tabs.append(tab) result = {"type": "tabs", "tabs": tabs} return result
[docs]def rating_widget(key="rating", maximum=10): """A customizable star rating widget""" widget = { "key": "rating", "type": "template", "template": '<div class="rating">' ' <span class="fa fa-star-o" ng-repeat="rating in []|range: {1} - model.{0}"' ' ng-click="model.{0} = {1} - rating"></span>' ' <span class="fa fa-star" ng-repeat="rating in []|range: model.{0}"' ' ng-click="model.{0} = model.{0} - rating"></span>' "</div>" "<span>{{model.{0}}} out of 10</span>".format(key, maximum), } return widget
# def collapsible(key, elements, label=None): # """Widget for a collapsible section""" # # if not label: # label = key # # result = { # "type": "template", # "template": '<h3 ng-click="form.' # + key # + "_collapsed = !form." # + key # + '_collapsed">' # + label # + "<span ng-class=\"{'fa-chevron-up': form." # + key # + "_collapsed," # " 'fa-chevron-down': !form." + key + '_collapsed}" class="fa">' # "</span>" # "</h3>", # } # # return ( # result, # { # "type": "section", # "condition": "form." + key + "_collapsed", # "items": elements, # }, # ) #
[docs]def event_button(key, title, target, action, data=None): """Template for an event emitting button""" if data is None: data = "model" widget = { "key": key, "type": "button", "onClick": '$ctrl.formAction("%s", "%s", "%s")' % (target, action, data), "title": title, } return widget
[docs]def country_field(key="country"): """Provides a select box for country selection""" country_list = list(countries) title_map = [] for item in country_list: title_map.append({"value": item.alpha_3, "name":}) widget = {"key": key, "type": "uiselect", "titleMap": title_map} return widget
[docs]def area_field(key="area"): """Provides a select box for country selection""" area_list = list(subdivisions) title_map = [] for item in area_list: title_map.append({"value": item.code, "name":}) widget = {"key": key, "type": "uiselect", "titleMap": title_map} return widget
[docs]def horizontal_divider(): """Inserts a horizontal ruler/divider""" widget = {"type": "help", "helpvalue": "<hr />"} return widget
[docs]def test(): """Development function to manually test all widgets""" # TODO: Get rid of this and put it into testing print("Hello") from pprint import pprint section_thing = section(2, 3, [["first", "second", "third"], ["fourth", "fifth"]]) pprint(section_thing) fieldset_thing = fieldset("Fieldset", ["1", "2", "3"]) pprint(fieldset_thing) thing = tabset(["First", "Second"], [section_thing, fieldset_thing]) pprint(thing)
if __name__ == "__main__": test()