Source code for isomer.schemastore

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# Isomer - The distributed application framework
# ==============================================
# Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Heiko 'riot' Weinen <> and others.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Schemastore builder"""

from copy import deepcopy
from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points, DistributionNotFound

import formal
import jsonschema

from isomer.logger import isolog, verbose, warn, debug
from isomer.misc import all_languages, i18n as _

[docs]def schemata_log(*args, **kwargs): """Log as emitter 'SCHEMATA'""" kwargs.update({"emitter": "SCHEMATA", "frame_ref": 2}) isolog(*args, **kwargs)
schemastore = {} l10n_schemastore = {} configschemastore = {}
[docs]def build_schemastore_new(): available = {} for schema_entrypoint in iter_entry_points(group="isomer.schemata", name=None): try: schemata_log("Schemata found: ",, lvl=verbose) schema = schema_entrypoint.load() available[] = schema except (ImportError, DistributionNotFound) as e: schemata_log( "Problematic schema: ",, exc=True, lvl=warn ) def schema_insert(dictionary, path, obj): path = path.split("/") place = dictionary for element in path: if element != "": place = place[element] place.update(obj) return dictionary def form_insert(form, index, path, obj): path = path.split("/") place = None if isinstance(index, str): for widget in form: if isinstance(widget, dict) and widget.get("id", None) is not None: place = widget else: place = form[index] if place is None: schemata_log("No place to insert into form found:", path, form, obj) return for element in path: schemata_log(element, place, lvl=verbose) try: element = int(element) except ValueError: pass if element != "": place = place[element] if isinstance(place, dict): place.update(obj) else: place.append(obj) return form for key, item in available.items(): extends = item.get("extends", None) if extends is not None: schemata_log(key, "extends:", extends, pretty=True, lvl=verbose) for model, extension_group in extends.items(): schema_extensions = extension_group.get("schema", None) form_extensions = extension_group.get("form", None) schema = available[model].get("schema", None) form = available[model].get("form", None) original_schema = deepcopy(schema) if schema_extensions is not None: schemata_log("Extending schema", model, "from", key, lvl=debug) for path, extensions in schema_extensions.items(): schemata_log( "Item:", path, "Extensions:", extensions, lvl=verbose ) for obj in extensions: available[model]["schema"] = schema_insert( schema, path, obj ) schemata_log("Path:", path, "obj:", obj, lvl=verbose) if form_extensions is not None: schemata_log("Extending form of", model, "with", key, lvl=verbose) for index, extensions in form_extensions.items(): schemata_log( "Item:", index, "Extensions:", extensions, lvl=verbose ) for path, obj in extensions.items(): if not isinstance(obj, list): obj = [obj] for thing in obj: available[model]["form"] = form_insert( form, index, path, thing ) schemata_log("Path:", path, "obj:", thing, lvl=verbose) # schemata_log(available[model]['form'], pretty=True, lvl=warn) try: jsonschema.Draft4Validator.check_schema(schema) except jsonschema.SchemaError as e: schemata_log( "Schema extension failed:", model, extension_group, exc=True ) available[model]["schema"] = original_schema schemata_log( "Found", len(available), "schemata: ", sorted(available.keys()), lvl=debug ) return available
[docs]def build_l10n_schemastore(available): l10n_schemata = {} for lang in all_languages(): language_schemata = {} def translate(schema): """Generate a translated copy of a schema""" localized = deepcopy(schema) def walk(branch): """Inspect a schema recursively to translate descriptions and titles""" if isinstance(branch, dict): if "title" in branch and isinstance(branch["title"], str): # schemata_log(branch['title']) branch["title"] = _(branch["title"], lang=lang) if "description" in branch and isinstance( branch["description"], str ): # schemata_log(branch['description']) branch["description"] = _(branch["description"], lang=lang) for key, item in branch.items(): walk(item) walk(localized) return localized for key, item in available.items(): language_schemata[key] = translate(item) l10n_schemata[lang] = language_schemata # schemata_log(l10n_schemata['de']['client'], pretty=True, lvl=error) return l10n_schemata
[docs]def test_schemata(): """Validates all registered schemata""" objects = {} for schemaname in schemastore.keys(): objects[schemaname] = formal.model_factory(schemastore[schemaname]["schema"]) try: testobject = objects[schemaname]() testobject.validate() except Exception as e: schemata_log("Blank schema did not validate:", schemaname, exc=True)
# pprint(objects)