Source code for isomer.launcher

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# Isomer - The distributed application framework
# ==============================================
# Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Heiko 'riot' Weinen <> and others.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Isomer - Backend


See README.rst for Build/Installation and setup details.

URLs & Contact


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Frontend repository:


import grp
import pwd
import sys
import os

import pyinotify
import click
from circuits import Event, Timer
from circuits.web import Server, Static
from circuits.web.websockets.dispatcher import WebSocketsDispatcher
from isomer.misc.path import set_instance, get_path
from isomer.component import handler, ConfigurableComponent, ComponentDisabled, BaseMeta

# from isomer.schemata.component import ComponentBaseConfigSchema
from isomer.database import initialize  # , schemastore
from import populate_user_events, system_stop
from isomer.logger import (
from isomer.debugger import cli_register_event
from isomer.ui.builder import install_frontend
from isomer.error import abort, EXIT_NO_CERTIFICATE
from isomer.tool.etc import load_instance
from isomer.provisions import build_provision_store
from isomer.provisions.base import provision

# from circuits.web.errors import redirect
# from import Daemon

# from pprint import pprint

[docs]class ready(Event): """Event fired to signal completeness of the local node's setup""" pass
[docs]class boot(Event): pass
[docs]class cli_components(Event): """List registered and running components""" pass
[docs]class cli_reload_db(Event): """Reload database and schemata (Dangerous!) WiP - does nothing right now""" pass
[docs]class cli_reload(Event): """Reload all components and data models""" pass
[docs]class cli_info(Event): """Provide information about the running instance""" verbose = False
[docs]class cli_quit(Event): """Stop this instance Uses sys.exit() to quit. """ pass
[docs]class cli_drop_privileges(Event): """Try to drop possible root privileges""" pass
[docs]class cli_check_provisions(Event): """Check current provisioning state and trigger new provisioning""" pass
[docs]class FrontendHandler(pyinotify.ProcessEvent):
[docs] def __init__(self, launcher, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the frontend handler""" super(FrontendHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.launcher = launcher
[docs] def process_IN_CLOSE_WRITE(self, event): isolog("Frontend change:", event, emitter="FRONTENDHANDLER") install_frontend(install=False, development=True)
[docs]def drop_privileges(uid_name="isomer", gid_name="isomer"): """Attempt to drop privileges and change user to 'isomer' user/group""" if os.getuid() != 0: isolog("Not root, cannot drop privileges", lvl=warn, emitter="CORE") return try: # Get the uid/gid from the name running_uid = pwd.getpwnam(uid_name).pw_uid running_gid = grp.getgrnam(gid_name).gr_gid # Remove group privileges os.setgroups([]) # Try setting the new uid/gid os.setgid(running_gid) os.setuid(running_uid) # Ensure a very conservative umask # old_umask = os.umask(22) isolog("Privileges dropped", emitter="CORE") except Exception as e: isolog( "Could not drop privileges:", e, type(e), exc=True, lvl=error, emitter="CORE", )
[docs]class Core(ConfigurableComponent): """Isomer Core Backend Application""" # TODO: Move most of this stuff over to a new FrontendBuilder configprops = { "enabled": { "type": "array", "title": "Available modules", "description": "Modules found and activatable by the system.", "default": [], "items": {"type": "string"}, }, "components": { "type": "object", "title": "Components", "description": "Component metadata", "default": {}, }, "frontendenabled": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Frontend enabled", "description": "Option to toggle frontend activation", "default": True, }, }
[docs] def __init__(self, name, instance, **kwargs): super(Core, self).__init__("CORE", **kwargs) self.log("Starting system (channel ",, ")") self.insecure = kwargs["insecure"] self.development = kwargs["dev"] self.instance = name host = kwargs.get("web_address", None) port = kwargs.get("web_port", None) # self.log(instance, pretty=True, lvl=verbose) = instance["web_address"] if host is None else host self.port = instance["web_port"] if port is None else port self.log("Web configuration: %s:%i" % (, int(self.port)), lvl=debug) self.certificate = certificate = ( instance["web_certificate"] if instance["web_certificate"] != "" else None ) if certificate: if not os.path.exists(certificate): self.log( "SSL certificate usage requested but certificate " "cannot be found!", lvl=error, ) abort(EXIT_NO_CERTIFICATE) # TODO: Find a way to synchronize this with the paths in i.u.builder if self.development: self.frontend_root = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../frontend" ) self.frontend_target = get_path("lib", "frontend-dev") self.module_root = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../modules" ) else: self.frontend_root = get_path("lib", "repository/frontend") self.frontend_target = get_path("lib", "frontend") self.module_root = "" self.log( "Frontend & module paths:", self.frontend_root, self.frontend_target, self.module_root, lvl=verbose, ) self.modules_loaded = {} self.loadable_components = {} self.loaded_components = {} self.frontend_running = False self.frontend_watcher = None self.frontend_watch_manager = None self.static = None self.websocket = None self.component_blacklist = instance["environments"][instance["environment"]][ "blacklist" ] self.component_blacklist += list(kwargs.get("blacklist", [])) self._check_provisions() self.update_components() self._write_config() self.server = None if self.insecure: self.log("Not dropping privileges - this may be insecure!", lvl=warn)
[docs] @handler("started", channel="*") def ready(self, source): """All components have initialized, set up the component configuration schema-store, run the local server and drop privileges""" from isomer.schemastore import configschemastore configschemastore[] = self.configschema self._start_server() if not self.insecure: self._drop_privileges() self.fireEvent(cli_register_event("components", cli_components)) self.fireEvent(cli_register_event("drop_privileges", cli_drop_privileges)) self.fireEvent(cli_register_event("check_provisions", cli_check_provisions)) self.fireEvent(cli_register_event("reload_db", cli_reload_db)) self.fireEvent(cli_register_event("reload", cli_reload)) self.fireEvent(cli_register_event("quit", cli_quit)) self.fireEvent(cli_register_event("info", cli_info)) self.fireEvent(boot(), "*")
[docs] @handler("frontendbuildrequest", channel="setup") def trigger_frontend_build(self, event): """Event hook to trigger a new frontend build""" install_frontend( force_rebuild=event.force, install=event.install, development=self.development, ) self.log("Frontend install done")
[docs] @handler("cli_drop_privileges") def cli_drop_privileges(self, event): """Drop possible user privileges""" self.log("Trying to drop privileges", lvl=debug) self._drop_privileges()
[docs] @handler("cli_check_provisions") def cli_check_provisions(self, event): """Check current provisioning state and trigger new provisioning""" self.log("Checking provisions", lvl=debug) self._check_provisions()
[docs] @handler("cli_components") def cli_components(self, event): """List all loaded and running unique components""" self.log("Loaded components: ", sorted(self.loaded_components.keys())) self.log("Running unique components: ", sorted(self.names))
[docs] @handler("cli_reload_db") def cli_reload_db(self, event): """Experimental call to reload the database""" self.log("This command is WiP.") initialize()
[docs] @handler("cli_reload") def cli_reload(self, event): """Experimental call to reload the component tree""" self.log("Reloading all components.") self.update_components(forcereload=True) initialize() from isomer.debugger import cli_comp_graph self.fireEvent(cli_comp_graph())
[docs] @handler("cli_quit") def cli_quit(self, event): """Stop the instance on cli request""" self.log("Quitting on CLI request.") if self.frontend_watcher is not None: self.frontend_watcher.stop() self.frontend_watcher = None if self.context.params["dev"] is False: self.fireEvent(system_stop()) else: self.log("Stopping immediately due to --dev flag", lvl=warn) self.stop_core(None)
[docs] @handler("system_stop") def system_stop(self): """Stop instance after settling stop events""" self.log("Initiating stop") Timer(5, Event.create("stop_core")).register(self)
[docs] @handler("stop_core") def stop_core(self, event): """Stop execution and exit""" self.log("Stopping execution") self.stop() sys.exit()
[docs] @handler("cli_info") def cli_info(self, *args): """Provides information about the running instance""" from isomer.database import dbname, dbhost, dbport self.log( "Instance: %s DB: %s Dev: %s Host: %s Port: %s Insecure: %s Frontend: %s\n" "Modules:" % ( self.instance, "%s@%s:%i" % (dbname, dbhost, dbport), self.development,, self.port, self.insecure, self.frontend_target, ), self.modules_loaded, pretty=True, ) if "-v" in args: self.log("Context:", self.context.obj, pretty=True)
def _start_server(self): """Run the node local server""" self.log("Starting server") secure = self.certificate is not None if secure: self.log("Running SSL server with cert:", self.certificate) else: self.log( "Running insecure server without SSL. Do not use without SSL " "proxy in production!", lvl=warn, ) try: self.server = Server( (, self.port), display_banner=False, secure=secure, certfile=self.certificate # , # inherit=True ).register(self) except PermissionError as e: if self.port <= 1024: self.log( "Could not open privileged port (%i), check permissions!" % self.port, e, lvl=critical, ) else: self.log("Could not open port (%i):" % self.port, e, lvl=critical) except OSError as e: if e.errno == 98: self.log("Port (%i) is already opened!" % self.port, lvl=critical) else: self.log("Could not open port (%i):" % self.port, e, lvl=critical) def _drop_privileges(self, *args): self.log("Dropping privileges", lvl=debug) drop_privileges() # Moved to manage tool, maybe of interest later, though: # # @handler("componentupdaterequest", channel="setup") # def trigger_component_update(self, event): # self.update_components(forcereload=event.force)
[docs] def update_components( self, forcereload=False, forcerebuild=False, forcecopy=True, install=False ): """Check all known entry points for components. If necessary, manage configuration updates""" # TODO: See if we can pull out major parts of the component handling. # They are also used in the manage-tool to instantiate the # component frontend bits. self.log("Updating components") components = {} packages = {} try: from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points entry_point_tuple = ( iter_entry_points(group="isomer.base", name=None), iter_entry_points(group="isomer.sails", name=None), iter_entry_points(group="isomer.components", name=None), ) self.log("Entrypoints:", entry_point_tuple, pretty=True, lvl=verbose) for iterator in entry_point_tuple: for entry_point in iterator: self.log("Entrypoint:", entry_point, pretty=True, lvl=verbose) try: name = package = entry_point.dist.project_name version = str(entry_point.dist.parsed_version) location = entry_point.dist.location loaded = entry_point.load() self.log( "Entry point: ", entry_point, name, entry_point.resolve(), lvl=verbose, ) module_name = location.split("/")[-1] if module_name in self.modules_loaded: self.modules_loaded[module_name].append(name) else: self.modules_loaded[module_name] = [name] self.log("Loaded: ", loaded, lvl=verbose) comp = { "package": package, "location": location, "version": version, "description": loaded.__doc__, } components[name] = comp self.loadable_components[name] = loaded packages.setdefault( package, {"version": version, "name": package} ) self.log("Loaded component:", comp, lvl=verbose) except Exception as e: self.log( "Could not inspect entrypoint: ", e, type(e), entry_point, iterator, lvl=error, exc=True, ) # for name in components.keys(): # try: # self.log(self.loadable_components[name]) # configobject = { # 'type': 'object', # 'properties': # self.loadable_components[name].configprops # } # ComponentBaseConfigSchema['schema'][ # 'properties'][ # 'settings'][ # 'oneOf'].append(configobject) # except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e: # self.log('Problematic configuration # properties in ' # 'component ', name, exc=True) # # schemastore['component'] = ComponentBaseConfigSchema except Exception as e: self.log("Component update error: ", e, type(e), lvl=error, exc=True) return from isomer.database import objectmodels systemconfig = objectmodels["systemconfig"].find_one({"active": True}) systemconfig.packages = sorted(list(packages.values()), key=lambda x: x["name"]) # self.log(list(packages.values()), lvl=critical) self.log( "Checking component frontend bits in ", self.frontend_root, lvl=verbose ) # pprint(self.config._fields) diff = set(components) ^ set(self.config.components) if diff or forcecopy and self.config.frontendenabled: self.log("Old component configuration differs:", diff, lvl=debug) self.log(self.config.components, components, lvl=verbose) self.config.components = components else: self.log("No component configuration change. Proceeding.") if forcereload: self.log("Restarting all components.", lvl=warn) self._instantiate_components(clear=True)
def _start_frontend(self, restart=False): """Check if it is enabled and start the frontend http & websocket""" self.log(self.config, self.config.frontendenabled, lvl=verbose) if self.config.frontendenabled and not self.frontend_running or restart: self.log("Restarting webfrontend services on", self.frontend_target) self.static = Static("/", docroot=self.frontend_target).register(self) self.websocket = WebSocketsDispatcher("/websocket").register(self) self.frontend_running = True if self.development: self.frontend_watch_manager = pyinotify.WatchManager() self.frontend_watcher = pyinotify.ThreadedNotifier( self.frontend_watch_manager, FrontendHandler(self) ) self.frontend_watcher.start() mask = ( pyinotify.IN_DELETE | pyinotify.IN_CREATE | pyinotify.IN_CLOSE_WRITE ) self.log("Frontend root:", self.frontend_root, lvl=debug) self.frontend_watch_manager.add_watch(self.module_root, mask, rec=True) def _check_provisions(self): from isomer.database import objectmodels systemconfig = objectmodels["systemconfig"].find_one({"active": True}) if systemconfig is None: self.log("No system configuration found, trying tp provision", lvl=warn) provision() else: provisioned_packages = set(systemconfig.provisions["packages"]) provision_store = set(build_provision_store().keys()) missing_provisions = provision_store - provisioned_packages self.log("Provisioned packages:", provisioned_packages, lvl=debug) self.log("Available provisions:", provision_store, lvl=debug) if len(missing_provisions) > 0: self.log("Installing missing provisions:", missing_provisions) provision(installed=provisioned_packages) def _instantiate_components(self, clear=True): """Inspect all loadable components and run them""" if clear: # import objgraph # from copy import deepcopy from import kill from circuits import Component for comp in self.loaded_components.values(): self.log(comp, type(comp), isinstance(comp, Component), pretty=True) kill(comp) # removables = deepcopy(list(self.runningcomponents.keys())) # # for key in removables: # comp = self.runningcomponents[key] # self.log(comp) # comp.unregister() # comp.stop() # self.runningcomponents.pop(key) # # objgraph.show_backrefs([comp], # max_depth=5, # filter=lambda x: type(x) not in [list, tuple, set], # highlight=lambda x: type(x) in [ConfigurableComponent], # filename='backref-graph_%s.png' % comp.uniquename) # del comp # del removables self.loaded_components = {} self.log( "Not running blacklisted components: ", self.component_blacklist, lvl=debug ) running = set(self.loadable_components.keys()).difference( self.component_blacklist ) self.log("Starting components: ", sorted(running)) for name, componentdata in self.loadable_components.items(): if name in self.component_blacklist: continue self.log("Running component: ", name, lvl=debug) try: if name in self.loaded_components: self.log("Component already running: ", name, lvl=warn) else: try: runningcomponent = componentdata() except ComponentDisabled: self.log("Not registering disabled component", lvl=debug) continue runningcomponent.register(self) self.loaded_components[name] = runningcomponent except Exception as e: self.log( "Could not register component: ", name, e, type(e), lvl=error, exc=True, )
[docs] def started(self, component): """Sets up the application after startup.""" self.log("Running.") self.log("Started event origin: ", component, lvl=verbose) populate_user_events() from import AuthorizedEvents self.log( len(AuthorizedEvents), "authorized event sources:", list(AuthorizedEvents.keys()), lvl=debug, ) self._instantiate_components() self._start_frontend(), "isomer-web")
[docs]def construct_graph(ctx, name, instance, args): """Preliminary Isomer application Launcher""" app = Core(name, instance, **args) # TODO: This should probably be read-only BaseMeta.context = ctx setup_root(app) if args["debug"]: from circuits import Debugger isolog("Starting circuits debugger", lvl=warn, emitter="GRAPH") dbg = Debugger().register(app) # TODO: Make these configurable from modules, navdata is _very_ noisy # but should not be listed _here_ dbg.IgnoreEvents.extend( [ "read", "_read", "write", "_write", "stream_success", "stream_complete", "serial_packet", "raw_data", "stream", "navdatapush", "referenceframe", "updateposition", "updatesubscriptions", "generatevesseldata", "generatenavdata", "sensordata", "reset_flood_offenders", "reset_flood_counters", # Flood counters "task_success", "task_done", # Thread completion "keepalive", # IRC Gateway "peek", # AVIO and others "joystickchange", # AVIO ] ) isolog("Beginning graph assembly.", emitter="GRAPH") if args["draw_graph"]: from import graph graph(app) if args["open_gui"]: import webbrowser # TODO: Fix up that url:"http://%s:%i/" % (args["host"], args["port"])) isolog("Graph assembly done.", emitter="GRAPH") return app
@click.command() @click.option( "--web-port", "-p", help="Define port for UI server", type=int, default=None ) @click.option( "--web-address", "-a", help="Define listening address for UI server", type=str, default=None, ) @click.option( "--web-certificate", "-c", help="Certificate file path", type=str, default=None ) @click.option("--profile", help="Enable profiler", is_flag=True) @click.option( "--open-gui", help="Launch web browser for GUI inspection after startup", is_flag=True, ) @click.option( "--draw-graph", help="Draw a snapshot of the component graph after construction", is_flag=True, ) @click.option("--live-log", help="Log to in-memory structure as well", is_flag=True) @click.option("--debug", help="Run circuits debugger", is_flag=True) @click.option("--dev", help="Run development server", is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option("--insecure", help="Keep privileges - INSECURE", is_flag=True) @click.option("--no-run", "-n", help="Only assemble system, do not run", is_flag=True) @click.option( "--blacklist", "-b", help="Blacklist a component (can be repeated)", multiple=True, default=[], ) @click.pass_context def launch(ctx, run=True, **args): """Assemble and run an Isomer instance""" instance_name = ctx.obj["instance"] instance = load_instance(instance_name) environment_name = ctx.obj["environment"] isolog("Launching instance %s - (%s)" % (instance_name, environment_name)) database_host = ctx.obj["dbhost"] database_name = ctx.obj["dbname"] if ctx.params["live_log"] is True: from isomer import logger = True if args["web_certificate"] is not None: isolog( "Warning! Using SSL on the backend is currently not recommended!", lvl=critical, emitter="CORE", ) isolog("Initializing database access", emitter="CORE", lvl=debug) initialize(database_host, database_name, instance_name) isolog("Setting instance paths", emitter="CORE", lvl=debug) set_instance(instance_name, environment_name) server = construct_graph(ctx, instance_name, instance, args) if run and not args["no_run"]: return server