
First of all: The manual installation procedure is rather complex right now and the documentation is being overhauled for the 1.0.0 release of Isomer.

We’ve simplified the process by supplying an install script, but if you encounter any trouble/problems, checkout these detailed installation steps.

If you still can’t get it to install, contact us via irc or emai and we’ll happily try to help you get your installation running.

This is very important for us, since the system has not yet been deployed very often and we’re not yet aware of all of the pitfalls and traps on that route.

Warning: Isomer is not compatible with Python 2 and 3.2!

Manual Installation

These instructions are for Debian or Ubuntu based systems. Installation on other distributions is possible and being worked on.


Before doing anything with Isomer, be sure to have all the dependencies installed via your distribution’s package manager.

For Debian Unstable use this:

sudo apt-get install nginx mongodb python3 python3-pip python3-grib \
                       python3-bson python3-pymongo python3-serial

If you want (and can, depending on your platform/distribution), install the mongo and bson extensions for speedups:

sudo apt-get install python3-pymongo-ext python3-bson-ext

The system will need to get a bunch of more dependencies via npm to set up the frontend, so install npm and if necessary the nodejs-legacy-symlink package. The simple (but not so good) way is to use Debian’s packages:

sudo apt-get install npm nodejs
sudo npm install npm@4.2.0 -g

The better way is to install nodesource.

If you want to install the full development dependencies to write documentation as well, you need to install the enchant package:

sudo apt-get install enchant

In case you want to use raster (or in future: vector) charts in Isomer’ map module, you’ll need to install libgdal and its binaries:

sudo apt-get install gdal-bin python-gdal

Note, that it is necessary to install python-gdal 2.7 - not the python3 variant, as the scripts are not included in that.

Getting the source

To initially obtain the development source code if you don’t have it already, use git thus:

mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone
cd isomer
git submodule update --init
git pull
cd frontend
git pull



This is currently outdated!

The management tool usually can install everything you need. It starts by adding a new system user for Isomer and generating a (currently only self signed) certificate.

The process also involves installing the supplied modules, getting the frontend dependencies, building and installing the documentation, etc.

It also creates a few folders in /var (lib/isomer, cache/isomer) for cache data and other stuff as well as install basic default provisions into the database.

Finally, it installs and activates a systemd and nginx service script to launch Isomer on bootup and make it available to users.

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 --system-site-packages venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -Ur requirements.txt
python develop
sudo venv/bin/python ./iso system all

If you want to develop (documentation) as well, you’ll need to use the requirements-dev.txt instead of the normal one.

If you want to manually start Isomer, invoke the launcher thus:

sudo ./venv/bin/python iso launch

Running the launcher as root to be able to open ports below 1024 should be safe, as it drops its root privileges, unless you specify –insecure, which is strongly discouraged and only meant for development purposes. The default is to use port 8055 and relay that with the supplied nginx site definition


Before building any documentation, you’ll need to install the requirements-doc.txt (located in the Isomer repository root):

pip install -r requirements-doc.txt

Manual build

To build the html documentation, change to the docs subdirectory and use make to build the files:

cd docs
make html

The built files will reside in isomer/docs/build/html.

You can also build the PDF file (and various other formats) by using the Makefile inside the docs directory.

cd docs
make latexpdf

The rendered pdf output will reside in ``isomer/docs/build/pdf

Just running make without arguments gives you a list of the other available documentation formats.

Automatic build & installation


This is currently outdated!

The documentation is available online on If you wish to build and install the included documentation for offline use, run these commands:

sudo ./venv/bin/python ./iso install docs

This installs all necessary documentation tools and copies the files to the expected Isomer web data folder.

Installing from a Source Package

If you have downloaded a source archive, this applies to you.

python3 install

For other installation options see:

python3 --help install

Installing from the Development Repository

If you have cloned the source code repository, this applies to you.

If you have cloned the development repository, it is recommended that you use setuptools and use the following command:

python3 develop

This will allow you to regularly update your copy of the Isomer development repository by simply performing the following in the Isomer working directory:

git pull -u
cd frontend
git pull -u


You do not need to reinstall if you have installed with setuptools via the Isomer repository and used setuptools to install in “develop” mode.

Windows & OS X installation notes

These instructions are WiP. The easiest way to get Isomer on Win7 or newer is to install and user Docker or a virtual machine

To install on Windows, you’ll need to install these packages first:

Platform specific

There are some collected instructions for various hardware platforms: