Source code for isomer.logger

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# Isomer - The distributed application framework
# ==============================================
# Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Heiko 'riot' Weinen <> and others.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Module: Logger

Isomer's own logger to avoid namespace clashes etc. Comes with some fancy

Log Levels

verbose = 5
debug = 10
info = 20
warn = 30
error = 40
critical = 50
off = 100


# from circuits.core import Event
import pprint
from traceback import format_exception

# from circuits import Component, handler
# from uuid import uuid4
# import json

import time
import sys
import inspect

import os

root = None

temp = 1
events = 2
network = 4
verbose = 5
debug = 10
info = 20
warn = 30
error = 40
critical = 50
hilight = 60
version = 99
off = 100

level_data = {
    temp: ["TEMP", "\033[1;30m"],
    events: ["EVENT", "\033[1:36m"],
    verbose: ["VERB", "\033[1;30m"],
    network: ["NET", "\033[1;34m"],
    debug: ["DEBUG", "\033[1;97m"],
    info: ["INFO", "\033[1;92m"],
    warn: ["WARN", "\033[1;93m"],
    error: ["ERROR", "\033[1;31;43m"],
    critical: ["CRIT", "\033[1;33;41m"],
    hilight: ["HILIGHT", "\033[1;4;34;106m"],
    version: ["VER", "\033[1;96;44m"],

terminator = "\033[0m"

count = 0

logfile = "/var/log/isomer/service.log"

console = verbose
live = False

verbosity = {"global": console, "file": off, "system": info, "console": console}

uncut = True
color = False

mute = []
solo = []
mark = []

LiveLog = []

start = time.time()

[docs]def set_color(): """Activate colorful logging""" global color color = True
[docs]def set_verbosity(new_lvl: int): """Adjust logging verbosity""" global verbosity verbosity["global"] = new_lvl verbosity["console"] = new_lvl verbosity["file"] = new_lvl
[docs]def set_logfile(path: str, instance: str, filename: str = None): """ Specify logfile path :param path: Path to the logfile :param instance: Name of the instance :param filename: Exact name of logfile """ global logfile if path is None: path = "." if filename is not None: logfile = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(path), filename) else: logfile = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(path), "isomer." + instance + ".log")
[docs]def get_logfile() -> str: """Return the whole filename of the logfile""" return logfile
[docs]def clear(): """Clear the live log""" global LiveLog LiveLog = []
[docs]def is_muted(what) -> bool: """ Checks if a logged event is to be muted for debugging purposes. Also goes through the solo list - only items in there will be logged! :param what: """ state = False for item in solo: if item not in what: state = True else: state = False break for item in mute: if item in what: state = True break return state
[docs]def is_marked(what) -> bool: """Check if log line qualifies for highlighting""" for item in mark: if item in what: return True return False
[docs]def setup_root(newroot: "isomer.components.Component"): """ Sets up the root component, so the logger knows where to send logging signals. :param isomer.components.Component newroot: """ global root root = newroot
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable,PyIncorrectDocstring
[docs]def isolog(*what, **kwargs): """Logs all non keyword arguments. :param tuple/str what: Loggable objects (i.e. they have a string representation) :param int lvl: Debug message level :param str emitter: Optional log source, where this can't be determined automatically :param str sourceloc: Give specific source code location hints, used internally :param int frameref: Specify a non default frame for tracebacks :param bool tb: Include a traceback :param bool nc: Do not use color :param bool exc: Switch to better handle exceptions, use if logging in an except clause """ global count global verbosity lvl = kwargs.get("lvl", info) if lvl < verbosity["global"]: return def assemble_things(things) -> str: result = "" for thing in things: result += " " if kwargs.get("pretty", False) and not isinstance(thing, str): result += "\n" + pprint.pformat(thing) else: result += str(thing) return result def write_to_log(message: str): try: f = open(logfile, "a") f.write(message + "\n") f.flush() f.close() except IOError: print("Can't open logfile %s for writing!" % logfile) # sys.exit(23) def write_to_console(message: str): try: print(message) except UnicodeEncodeError as e: print(message.encode("utf-8")) isolog("Bad encoding encountered on previous message:", e, lvl=error) except BlockingIOError: isolog("Too long log line encountered:", message[:20], lvl=warn) # Count all messages (missing numbers give a hint at too high log level) count += 1 emitter = kwargs.get("emitter", "UNKNOWN") traceback = kwargs.get("tb", False) frame_ref = kwargs.get("frame_ref", 0) no_color = kwargs.get("nc", False) exception = kwargs.get("exc", False) timestamp = time.time() runtime = timestamp - start callee = None if exception: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() # NOQA if verbosity["global"] <= debug or traceback: # Automatically log the current function details. if "sourceloc" not in kwargs: frame = kwargs.get("frame", frame_ref) # Get the previous frame in the stack, otherwise it would # be this function current_frame = inspect.currentframe() while frame > 0: frame -= 1 current_frame = current_frame.f_back func = current_frame.f_code # Dump the message + the name of this function to the log. if exception: # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable line_no = exc_tb.tb_lineno if lvl <= error: lvl = error else: line_no = func.co_firstlineno callee = "[%.10s@%s:%i]" % (func.co_name, func.co_filename, line_no) else: callee = kwargs["sourceloc"] now = time.asctime() msg = "[%s] : %5s : %.5f : %3i : [%5s]" % ( now, level_data[lvl][0], runtime, count, emitter, ) if callee: if not uncut and lvl > 10: msg += "%-60s" % callee else: msg += "%s" % callee content = assemble_things(what) msg += content if exception: msg += "\n" + "".join(format_exception(exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb)) if is_muted(msg): return if not uncut and lvl > 10 and len(msg) > 1000: msg = msg[:1000] if lvl >= verbosity["file"]: write_to_log(msg) if is_marked(msg): lvl = hilight if lvl >= verbosity["console"]: output = str(msg) if color and not no_color: output = level_data[lvl][1] + output + terminator write_to_console(output) if live: item = [now, lvl, runtime, count, emitter, str(content)] LiveLog.append(item)